Tricolour Home with Tiered Garden Wagga
Split Face Block home in Tricolour with Norfolk Retaining Wall tiered garden
Split Face Block home in Tricolour with Norfolk Retaining Wall tiered garden
The viewing platform for the 9m-high climbing frame located at the Cowra Adventure Playground was constructed from our Norfolk Retaining Wall Blocks.
Robinson & Fuller display home in Dubbo showcases Interlocking Garden Edge, Flagstone Paver and Tasman Retaining Wall System in Charcoal colour
This garden project meets nature halfway with tree rings and a raised planter constructed using Cowra Concrete Products’ Norfolk® retaining wall system.
Grey blocks form a structural retaining wall fronted with local stone to blend with the natural environment. A further exposed grey block retaining wall in ‘Charcoal’ is where a tennis court will be built.